We Remember
The bells of liberty ring in Canada today because of these men and women we honour. The sacred memory of their sacrifice will always live in our hearts, and we have a sacred and holy trust to keep...
Read MoreDecisions Decisions
Proverbs 3:5-6 suggests the basis on which guidance will come. If we learn what this passage is teaching, and begin to apply it to our daily life, it will make a profound difference when we need to...
Read MoreJesus, Master Over the Impossible
Never underestimate God’s power to multiply your gifts! Remember that He can use whatever we offer and multiply it to do more than we could imagine.
Read MoreThanksgiving In all Things
May our hearts overflow with thanksgiving to the Lord as we meditate on His Word, on His goodness, on His love, and on His faithfulness!!!
Read MoreObjections to the Cross
This sermon looks at 5 objections people raise about the cross of Christ
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