
Looking to the Cross

Posted on October 6, 2019

"Looking at the Cross" is a sermon from Romans 15. Romans 15:1-3. It  speaks to the daily struggles of getting along with people who don’t see things the way we do

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If In Doubt - Don't

Posted on September 29, 2019

"If In Doubt - Don't"  from Romans 14. It is more important to protect and build up each other than it is to insist on our freedoms

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Lessons in Leadership

Posted on September 15, 2019

"Lessons in Leadership".  A message from Exodus 18. This message has a special challenge for those who are called to lead in our churches.

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Before and After

Posted on September 8, 2019

"Before and After"."  A message from Hebrews 11. We find four men with significant character flaws. No plaster saints here. These are real men, flesh and blood heroes whom God considered...

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Planted to Serve

Posted on September 1, 2019

"Planted to Give"."  A message from Psalm 92. God in His infinite wisdom plants us in His church. That means if God planted you here, you are going to want to be loyal and faithful to God. If...

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