Trials and Temptations
This message is from James 1 - Trials and Temptations. James shows us how these times can teach us how to truly trust the Lord and remain faithful in the midst of them.
Read MoreA Kingdom That Cannot Be Shaken
Message from Hebrews 12 which speaks of some great and powerful unshakeable truths. A number of things that are so solid, so strong, so secure, that nothing can cause them to crumble
He Is Risen
This Sunday's message is "He Is Risen" from 1 Coriinthians 15. If there is no resurrection, our preaching is without purpose. That’s why the resurrection is all-important. Easter is...
Read MoreIt Is Finished
Three most important words in history - It Is Finished from John 19:30
Sunrise In Bethany
This message is "Sunrise in Bethany" from Luke 19. Why the Triumphal Entry? What did Jesus accomplish that day? What was Palm Sunday all about?
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