
O What a Morning

Posted on March 31, 2024

Oh, what a morning it was this resurrection Sunday! What a morning it was when Jesus pulled the stinger from death and gave life eternal to all those who will place their faith in Him

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The Rocks Will Cry Out

Posted on March 24, 2024

The idea of rocks crying out in praise to the Lord is startling imagery. Throughout Scripture we find similar poetic passages that present inanimate objects praising God.

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The Sixth Saying From the Cross

Posted on March 17, 2024

John 19:30 contains three of the most powerful words in the history of mankind. They are the greatest words ever uttered by the greatest man that ever lived. Just three words - It Is...

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The Fifth Saying From the Cross

Posted on March 10, 2024

On the cross Jesus made seven different statements. But only one of those statements deals with his personal, physical suffering. “I am thirsty”.

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The Fourth Saying from the Cross

Posted on March 3, 2024

In this Lenten sermon series, we explore the ancient texts that guide us through this season. These Scripture passages, selected for each Sunday service, serve as signposts along our path.

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